I officially loathe iPhone

edited in General
Yes. That is correct. I officially hate Iphone and the only purpose of every buying one would be to test a game out on.
Why? What spawned my hatred for this cheaply made pathetic excuse of hardware?

Well. First. The phone fell from my pocket. It completely shattered and destroyed the screen. It fell on a flat surface.
Fine... that is sometimes a justifiable thing. The screen was since replaced.

But today... just now. I was busy recording. Meaning i placed the phone on its side... it tipped over. It did not fall... it simple moved from standing upright, to lying flat down. This also then completely shattered the screen. So the phoned moved from a 90 angle to 0 degrees. In doing so the glass could not withstand a slight tap and shattered.

I find it disgusting that apple would use such cheap materials to furnish their smart phones.


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    Er, I have no idea what kind of surface you were doing this on, because I've dropped my phone several times already... and mine's still uncracked after a good 3 years, I think (it's a 4S).

    Now that's not to say that anecdotal evidence is the standard here, but since you're basing yours on anecdotal, I can only do the same :P

    That said, I *have* seen quite a few people with cracked iPhone screens... To them I ask... Why would I carry around a piece of glass without some kind of cover? I have a Skullcandy phone cover, not that I'm a fan of them, but damn this thing's sturdy. It looks battle-scarred, but the phone is pretty much pristine.

    And honestly I don't give a toss about iPhone's hardware. The only reason I like it is for the apps and the ease of use. As long as the hardware can keep up I don't care. (the 4S has been good, my iPad2 is showing age in a big way, lagging and crashing all over the place, but still functional)

    Also I find that most Samsung and co's phones feel a lot less sturdy in the hand. The new iPhones I don't know about cos #bendgate and all that, but the 4S I have is like a brick.... Of glass... With a cover on.
  • Sad part is i have a cover.
    It tipped over on my wooden desk.
    When i had an Iphone 4, it seemed unbreakable.

    But iphone 5. Good lord. Its utter garbage.

    Iphone 4 uses gorilla glass.
    Iphone 5 uses standard 2mm glass.

    The difference is significant. Strangely when i googled this issue the first time. Everyone or at least a crap load of people were complaining about how poor the iphone 5 glass is compared to iphone 4.
  • Oh that I didn't know about. Good thing I haven't "upgraded" then. Undoubtedly the bigger and shiner iPhone 6 is even more fragile.
  • Yeah man, I really miss my iphone 4.
    Not sure how fragile 6 is, but the 1st one ever opened by the public fell and didn't break
  • I still use my iPhone 4 since it came out first in SA, unbreakable ! You can have it for R20 000 haha

    Sorry man that sucks, but I couldn't help but laugh.

    Apple design in obsolescence into their new designs either by software updates or hardware quality, soon they will be no more ... I say while typing on iPad 3
  • My phone is about to go into decline, the battery's pretty much buggered. Soon I'll have to replace it... And it seems like if I can find a 4S I'll stick with that :) I've had no problems with the 4S hardware yet, no lag, nothing.
  • I've definitely seen perf drops from upgraded iOS, which is fair because new major point releases always include some kind of swishy new background process stuff.
    I don't think I could settle for the 4s as my main phone anymore, but man is it beautiful. Easily the best looking iphone (possibly smartphone) ever.

    Now my Xperia, there's something I can rant about all day. Hardware is nice (not 4s nice, but glass back and front and decent lines), and it's a beast.. But damn android is fracking horrible and crashy and buggy and user unfriendly. The "back" button may as well be the "random" button, their stupid habit of two main menus (one under ... Or boxey soft menu thing, one sliding out from the right) means you always have to think about where something might be. It's a damned UX nightmare. Yes you can customize the heck out of it, but that's led to sloppy os development. You almost _have_ to customize it to make it anywhere near as usable as iOS. And customization apps really tend to be hit and miss on stability. Gamer? Good luck with that, Android gamers are cheapskates so just about the only stuff available is hordes of xVille freemium titles, and everything by zynga, Gameloft and PikPok. Those last two put out some fantastic games of course, But overall the variety and quality doesn't come close to iOS.

    I'll probably take over my wife's iPhone 5 when she upgrades to a six early next year. I can't wait to be rid of the Xperia.
  • What Matt describes I experienced way back in the days with first an HTC Hero then the first Experia. Then I gave up and got my 4S. Years later still in service (barely, damnit). I have no regrets :)
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    I still have my 4S, they are pretty tough (not that I've dropped it seriously) but the secret to keeping your iOS device alive is DO NOT upgrade to the latest iOS version. The versions that came out around the time of your device will be the best, everything after that falls victim to Apples dim view of backward-compatibility (and probably a bit of forced obsolescence).

    I've since upgraded to a Nexus 5, and this thing is awesome. The only fault is below average battery life (have to charge it once a day)
  • I feel I need to confirm, I use the Iphone 4 still! Not even 4s. :)
  • Nitrogen said:
    I still have my 4S, they are pretty tough (not that I've dropped it seriously) but the secret to keeping your iOS device alive is DO NOT upgrade to the latest iOS version.
    After upgrading to IOS8 my battery life drains to the point where i need to keep my iphone 5 plugged in. Once its unplugged it drains in 6 hours even without use.

    The other issue is, also now when it does charge the phone gets hot enough to burn skin. Not an exaggeration.
    Perhaps this somehow weakened the excellent 2 mm standard glass.

    After contacting support i had to set it to factory state and do a clean fresh install of the OS to fix the heat issue. Now atleast the phone lasts 8 hours or so.

    If i could still find one i would go back to iphone 4... which in my personal opinion is the best iphone available in terms of longevity.
  • Yeah I upgraded to iOS7 and that was a battery drain. iOS8 came out and I haven't upgraded yet.

    Now the problem is actually that I can't keep not upgrading it, because reasons. Eventually you'll have to, and then... You'll need new hardware.

    Considering that I've had my 4S since 2011 (probably from September or something?) (according to me searching my past emails to see when I bought it), it's served me plenty long, probably time for an upgrade.
  • @Crocopede Your phone must have hit the sweet spot and shattered the first time with the original glass. That happens with any phone. I don't know where you got it fixed but I know sometimes these places don't put in the original glass quality and glue it wrong. I've seen it happen. That would explain the way it just broke from 2nd scenario.

    I've had every generation of iPhone apart from the first one and the current one. I love the iPhone. After 2 years the battery life always seems to half. I think because of the upgraded iOS draining power as mentioned above from background processes and batteries aren't meant to last forever. I genuinely think that after 2 years you just get a new one.

    My only beef with iPhone is that they're getting bigger. That sucks!

    Oh, and anyone looking for an iPhone 4. You can get one at Oriental Plaza. I know someone that bought a brand new one there 2 months ago. I think that's dumb! You're not going to be able to get any new apps which is like 80% of the reason you get an iPhone.
  • Yes upgrading the OS is unavoidable. For example IOS 8 introduced webgl... that is needed for some games.

    The phones getting bigger is sad. Its one of the reasons i love / loved iphones. You only need one hand to operate it. Which in my opinion is vital for phones. Perhaps just for me.
  • Samsung is no better. Their screens are awfully easy to break.
  • Nitrogen said:
    I still have my 4S, they are pretty tough (not that I've dropped it seriously) but the secret to keeping your iOS device alive is DO NOT upgrade to the latest iOS version. The versions that came out around the time of your device will be the best, everything after that falls victim to Apples dim view of backward-compatibility (and probably a bit of forced obsolescence).
    I think it's a bit more nuanced than that unfortunately. My experience has been that X.0.0 releases always introduce a drop in battery and performance to older devices, but X.1.0 releases almost always regain a decent chunk of that. I suspect the main focus is on new devices for the main releases, and then X.1.0 gets serious BC love.

    I'm also convinced that not only do apple take BC as seriously as they can (supporting 3 generations back on any software, never mind and OS is really impressive if you think what it must cost them and that typical phone cycles are two years), but they really do make a massive effort to maintain as much performance as they can. I also think they make a concerted effort to improve performance on old devices where new OS changes allow it. I have a MacBook (white, unibody) from Leopard days which I updated to Mountain Lion after the first point release. The increase in performance and battery life was pretty amazing to see.

    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Level-headed and fair assessment. I don't ever upgrade to X.0.0 releases immediately but wait for a while to move up.
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    Bloomin connection causing double posts *grumble grumble*
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