[GGJ] Bodybag (The Cleaners)

edited in Online Competitions & Jams
Here's our GGJ15 link:

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The deed is done, the mark is now a body. "What do we do now?"
Now, we call the Cleaners.

Bodybag is a game about what happen after the inconsiderate asshole assassins leaves a messy botched job behind. It's your job to get rid of the body in whatever way necessary.




> It can be played as a 2P game with each controlling a character, or ambidextrously by a single player.

> It's a physics-based game which we haven't really had experience with before - No More Boxes was physics but this had elastic bodies and all that which relied a lot more on physics than wrangled quasi-physics.

> Not sure on the name :) "The Cleaners" sounds better but a tad generic, "Bodybag" sounds too heavy-handed... But for now this'll do :)

> We either overscoped or underestimated the tweaking it takes to wrangle a physics system to do what we want it to do. In any case we had quite a few things that we wanted to include that didn't get in, which would have been easy to implement, but we were too busy working on wrangling the physics system.

> So we didn't manage to finish everything we wanted to :(

<img src="http://makegamessa.com/uploads/FileUpload/10/6bbdd5cc88c6881583a320b543d6db.png" />

> Learnt a bunch about physics bodies in Unity, it made me understand why Chariot (that game I learned about over the weekend) made their design choices (round characters, among others). I feel much better equipped to make more crazy physics games now :)

> Learnt to do level design. Something I've generally stayed the hell away from.

> Steven Tu (art and level design)
> Loet Jansen Van Rensburg (code and physics)
> Tim Harbour (Superb score)

Once again, GGJ15 game link:

Play now:

Thanks for your time, hope you enjoy it guys :)
1240 x 773 - 141K


  • edited
    Great game. With a bit of polishing on jumping over walls for instance I think this game could be really good :)

    EDIT: Also a lot more ways of disposing the body :P
  • Loved the idea, loved the visuals. The gameplay itself can be a bit hit and miss with a lot of retrying things which is not my favourite :P but good job!
  • Absolutely, we needed to really tighten up the physics - it's REALLY REALLY hard to tame that shit with Unity joints and things that didn't have many knobs to fiddle.

    We were aiming for physics that behaved more like Super Pole Riders, but again, really really hard to wrangle.

    If we go further with this, we'd have to spend more time understanding Unity physics and bending it to a more stable system, so we have defined mechanics to work with, so we can solidify ways of body disposal and the things The Cleaners do. Right now it's kinda hit-and-miss, you're right!

    Thanks for giving it a look! :D
  • Btw "Body bag : The cleaners" leaves you wide open for the prequel "Body bag : The perpetrators" :p
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Haha, great concept! Loved the music (very monaco) and I liked the text/guides in the background.

    A little sticky with controls, and I fell off the side in the third level with the big jump and pit. Otherwise it was hilarious, great job!
  • This is such a cool idea! While playing I could see how frustrating it must have been getting Unity physics to do what you wanted it to do, but it also added some humour. It would be great if you could keep the same "sillyness" while tightening up the physics.
  • Nothing I can really add to this that has not been already said, except to congratulate you on a great game. It's really funny. Also, on the first level when the 2 players moved in different directions (while not holding the body bag), the camera zoomed out, which looked really cool, but when I did the same thing in level 3 there was no zoom?
  • @creative630 yeah man! I showed some art and concept to Tim and I avoided saying "Monaco", and he came back saying "Cool, like Monaco?" and whipped out this piece. It's mad good :D

    Thanks guys, I really think we will tighten it up a bit and see where it goes :) The humour is really important, so definitely gonna keep it light and tight :)

    @FanieG we'll look into the zoom, it should be a general thing, I think the Y-zooming wasn't working as intended.
  • Haha, I totally cheated and found I could grab the body with the girl and just tap up repeatedly to quad-jump over everything.

    Also, it would have been nice to actually see the body getting burned - adding juice and all that.

    Loved how the one character can pull the other over when they both carrying the body and drag his face across the floor he he he.
  • @Nitrogen seriously! Quad jump? I don't know how you did that, kudos for persistence :P We'll have to look into that hahahah :)

    I agree with the body getting burned and all that - I wanted to put in an end scene illustration/animation/something at the end of each level, but the truth is we probably overscoped :P

    I put up a blog post about the making of the game, as well as a little time lapse of the process. 48 hours condensed into 30 seconds!

  • Really cool! And a fun tone to the whole thing! Polish it up and release it commercially!
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